
Duck User Guide

Duck is a portable lightweight task manager. You can manage your tasks in Duck using only a command line, without any need for complex GUI interfaces.

Table of Contents



Simple and intuitive user interface

Interacting with Duke is just like interacting with one of your friends on social media. To issue a command, simply type it in the command bar and press ‘Enter’ (or click the ‘Send’ button).

Manages multiple types of tasks

Duck isn’t limited to a single type of task. Duck can manage to-dos, deadlines and events all at the same time!

Saves your updates automatically

Duck saves your task list automatically to data/cache/duck-cache.txt after each update. If you don’t like the location, don’t worry! Type set cachePath [new-path] in the command line, then restart Duck. The next time it runs, it will use a file at your new location.

Note: Ensure that there is no file already at the specified location. Otherwise, Duck will not be able to use the file.

Archives your tasks

If you hate to see a cluttered list, Duck can archive specific tasks by deleting them from your tasks list and saving them to an archive file. This archive file is by default at data/archive/duck-archive.txt, but you can change this using a set archivePath [new-path] command.


Adding a new task

Adds a new task to your task list.

Command format

todo [description]
deadline [description] /by [time]
event [description] /at [time]

Usage examples

Listing all tasks

Lists all tasks currently in your list.

Command format


Marking a task as done

Marks a task in your list as done.

Command format

done [index]

Usage example

Deleting a task

Deletes a task in your list.

Warning: Deleted tasks will not be saved and are lost forever.

Command format

delete [index]

Usage example

Finding a task

Finds all tasks in your list whose description contains a search string.

Command format

find [search-string]

Usage example

Archiving tasks

Archives some tasks in your list. These tasks are deleted from your task list and saved in the archive file.

Command format

archive add [index1] [index2] ...
archive add *
archive add all

Duck also accepts insert as a command word instead of add.

Usage examples

Un-archiving tasks

Un-archives some tasks in your list. These tasks are deleted from your archive and re-added to the back of the task list.

Command format

archive remove [index1] [index2] ...
archive remove *
archive remove all

Duck also accepts pull, retrieve and unarchive as command words instead of add.

Usage examples

Listing all archived tasks

Lists all the tasks in the archive file.

Command format

archive list

Duck also accepts archive view for the same command.

Changing configuration settings

Changes Duck’s configuration settings.

Command format

set cachePath [new-cache-path]
set archivePath [new-archive-path]

Usage examples

Note: Paths are given relative to the root directory, i.e. the directory where the JAR file is placed.

Exiting Duck

Exits the Duck interface.

Command format
